Hello everyone, can anyone tell me How Redis Works as a cache and Why to Use it ?
Redis as Cache
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What is caching?
Caching is a temporary storage technique that allows websites to load material more quickly. The website will use the cached version and get the necessary data from the server memory rather than contacting the database.
Redis cache is one of the most popular tools to speed up websites. Redis cache effectively stores frequently accessed data in memory for rapid retrieval. Redis initially checks its memory upon a data request for the desired information. If located, it's promptly provided to the requester. If not in memory, Redis looks for the data in disk storage or can even request it from the original data source. The retrieved data is then stored in memory to expedite future access.
Moreover, Redis features an "expiration" or "Time to Live" (TTL) function, which automatically removes data from the cache after a specified time. This prevents cache overflow and maintains cache data relevance.
Redis also incorporates the "Least Used Items" (LRU) feature that automatically eliminates the least accessed items when memory becomes limited. This aids in controlling cache size.
Additionally, Redis offers diverse eviction policies like LFU (Least Frequently Used) and Random, which remove infrequently accessed elements or random entries.
As a caching layer, Redis often resides in front of databases like MySQL or MongoDB. This positioning alleviates the database's workload, leading to an overall performance boost for the application.
Why Use It?
Session Cache: Redis prominently serves as a cache, offering improved performance and persistence for session data.
Key-Based Access: Redis leverages a key-value model, allowing data retrieval through keys. This model aligns naturally with caching, offering swift access and efficient storage.
Rapid Response Database: Redis retains data within memory rather than on disk. This design choice ensures quick response times for read and write operations, surpassing many alternatives.
Supportive Database: Redis can be paired with other databases to alleviate their load and enhance performance. It acts as a supplementary layer, offering caching benefits.
Primary Database Option: While often used to support databases, Redis is also suitable as a primary database, especially for applications prioritizing speed and responsiveness.
High Availability: Redis supports replication and clustering, ensuring data availability and fault tolerance, even in complex distributed systems.