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Complimentary Backup
Regardless of plan or duration of the service, offers a free backup to all VPS in Denver, London, Germany, and New York.
With Complimentary Backup storage, all VPS are backed up on a WEEKLY basis using VSS snapshot or CDP backup service on our network.
This backup storage is hosted on a different network than your server.
In Complimentary Backup storage, we allow our customers the opportunity to have unlimited restore of their data completely FREE (contingent upon availability).
Free Complimentary Backup allows restoring entire snapshot (entire VPS) only. A single file or a folder cannot be restored separately.
For locations other than Denver, London, Germany, and New York customers will have to purchase daily CDP Backup as an add-on service.

Paid Backup
Apart from Complimentary Backup storage, we also offer a paid CDP backup service.
Under the paid backup contract, we take a progressive backup of your entire VPS on a DAILY basis.
By default at any point of time we maintain a backup copy of last 7 days.
This service will allow you unlimited restores at any time during the service period (contingent on availability of the backup).
This backup storage space will cost you USD $10/month for 20GB of block. The minimum 20GB block needs to be purchased.
This backup storage is hosted on a different network than your server.
Using paid backup, you can restore entire VPS or you can restore any particular file/folder as required.

VPS Snapshots
AccuWeb Hosting now offers full VPS snapshots with Multilocation Linux VPS plans.
This option is available as an add-on for VPS located in USA: Virginia, Ohio, Oregon, Mumbai - India, Seoul - South Korea, Singapore, Sydney - Australia, Tokyo - Japan, Montreal - Canada, Frankfurt - Germany, Ireland, London - UK, and Paris - France.
Under this system, we secure daily snapshots of your entire VPS.
At any point of time, we will maintain a backup copy of the last 7 days.
This service will allow you unlimited restores at any time during the service period (contingent on the availability of the backup).
Using this backup option, we can restore the entire VPS only. We can not restore a single file/folder separately.
The pricing of this snapshot is as described below
- 40 GB Disk: $5 USD/Month
- 60 GB Disk: $6 USD/Month
- 80 GB Disk: $7 USD/Month
- 160 GB Disk: $11 USD/Month
- 320 GB Disk: $19 USD/Month
- 640 GB Disk: $35 USD/Month
Dedicated Server Backup Options

Complimentary Backup Drive
Regardless of plan or duration of the service, offers a Complimentary Backup to dedicated server customers in UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Germany, France, and Poland datacenter.
In Complimentary Backup service, 500 GB backup storage is allocated to every dedicated server. This backup storage is hosted on a different storage network than your dedicated server.
Clients can connect to the backup drive using an FTP account and can store their data. To make sure that your data remains secured, you will be able to access backup drive only through your dedicated server.
Clients can access the backup drive anytime and retrieve the data as needed.
You can buy additional backup storage space as required. The pricing are as following:
- 1 TB Backup Drive: $25 USD Per Month
- 5 TB Backup Drive: $70 USD Per Month
- 10 TB Backup Drive: $100 USD Per Month

Paid Backup
Apart from our Complimentary Backups, we also offer a paid CDP backup service.
Paid CDP backup is applicable to USA, India, CDP backup installation on Linux server for UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Germany, France, and Poland is subject to review. UK*, Canada*, Singapore*, Australia*, Germany*, France*, and Poland* servers.
Under the paid backup contract, your dedicated server is backed up DAILY on a progressive basis.
By default at any point of time we maintain a backup copy of last 7 days.
This service will allow you unlimited restores at any time during the service period (contingent on availability of the backup).
This will cost you USD $30/month per 40GB of data. The minimum 40GB block needs to be purchased.
Using paid backup, you can restore entire server or you can restore any particular file/folder as required.
Backup Services FAQs
Various Frequently Asked Questions regarding Backup Services