phpMyAdmin issue after upgrading to the latest cPanel version


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  • zayn_william
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2022
    • 106

    phpMyAdmin issue after upgrading to the latest cPanel version


    After upgrading cPanel to its latest version, phpMyAdmin shows a 500 - internal server error. Can anyone assist me with how to resolve the internal server error?
  • Rex Maughan
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2022
    • 112


    Hello zayn_william,

    Sometimes after upgrading to the latest cPanel version, phpMyAdmin gives a "500 internal server error." Typically, when users receive a 500 internal server error warning through phpMyAdmin, it comes down to an issue of permissions.

    phpMyAdmin requires specific permission settings. Often, this is due to changes made when upgrading cPanel to newer versions. However, you can usually resolve this issue in just a few steps by updating the permissions of specific files.

    In order to resolve the issue, you can follow the steps below,
    • Firstly, you need to check the permission for the below files,
    • Then, check the permissions by the following command,
    ls -l
    • Next, both php and php-cgi files need to have 755 permissions.
    • Now, If not, then change the permission to 755 using the following command,
    chmod 775
    • Lastly, once the permissions have been changed, you must execute the below command from the shell,
    Thus, by implementing the above method or just with these permissions change, you will not receive the phpMyAdmin 500 internal server error anymore.

    Rex Maughan

