Hosting Articles

What do you mean by SSL in Web Hosting?

Suppose, you are owner of a well developed company, and you want to promote your company world wide. Then you need to design a web site to promote your company over the international market. At the time of hosting you find out the odd term SSL. It is interesting to know about SSL.


SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer; it is an application layer protocol that deals with your secure information over the internet. It is developed by Netscape in 1994, both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL. SSL protocol loops under the other protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, NNTP and TCP/IP. You can access SSL through HTTPS access method. If your organization is depends on the internet and e-commerce transactions such as online payment, online registration, online banking then you need to purchase SSL Certificates from reputed SSL Certificate provider. SSL Certificate should protect your site from cyber criminals called hackers.

SSL Certificate:

SSL Certificate provides 128-bit secured transaction over the internet for a website and their global customers. Without SSL Certificate, essential information which was forwarded from your web site should be interrupted and looked by everyone. Numbers of companies are distributing SSL Certificates; the crucial SSL Certificate providers are Vaerisign, Thawte, InstantSSL, Entrust, Baltimore and Geotrust.

How SSL works?

If any customer needs to open your secured website, then your website should be opens with a secured URL, which starts with https://. Then user get automatically responds from your web server and dispatch SSL Certificate, which is verify your website. Then your client's web browser produces a unique session code to encrypt all transaction regarding to your website. Now, a secure session is created and all the transactions are encrypted and secured.

Whenever you purchase any hosting account then you must secure your website with SSL Certificate, it s my personal suggestion to all the peoples who reads this article.

(Posted By Jason)