SSL Padlock Everything you need to know about SSL

Website safety is critical. SSL certificates are essential as they indicate whether a website is safe to visit. The SSL padlock icon represents the SSL certificate, and it is crucial to look for it before browsing any website.

Though an SSL padlock may seem unimportant to a website, it serves several vital functions, enhancing your browsing experience and providing data security in the virtual environment.

What is an SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts data transmitted between a web browser & a web server, ensuring that only the browser and server can access the data, with no interception possible by third parties. This is especially true for sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal data.

Why is SSL Vital for Protecting Sensitive Data?

Without SSL protection, sensitive data sent over the Internet is subject to eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Eavesdropping occurs when someone intercepts and reads your data without your knowledge.

Man-in-the-middle attacks occur when someone intercepts your data and impersonates you on the server.

SSL encryption protects your data from both assaults; this means that even if your data is intercepted, it cannot be read without the decryption key.

Different Types of SSL Certificates

SSL certificates are classified into three types –

  • Domain Validation (DV) certificates:

    DV is the most basic SSL; it confirms that the domain name on the certificate belongs to the company that acquired it.

  • Organization Validation (OV) certificates:

    The OV certificates go one step beyond DV certificates by confirming the organization’s identity. This is done by verifying the organization’s contact information and registration.

  • Extended Validation (EV) certificates:

    The most secure type of SSL certificate is Extended Validation (EV). They validate the organization’s identity and enforce additional security obligations on the organization.

Which SSL Certificate is Right for You?

The optimum SSL certificate for you depends on your requirements.

A free SSL certificate may be sufficient if you run a small website and are on a limited budget.

If you have a large website or process sensitive data, you should consider purchasing a premium SSL certificate, such as an OV or EV certificate.

Benefits of Using an SSL

  • Security

    SSL prevents unauthorized parties from intercepting and reading your data by encrypting the data sent between your web browser and the web server.

    So, even if someone intercepts the data, they cannot read it without the decryption key.

    SSL encryption is critical for safeguarding sensitive data such as credit card numbers, passwords, & personal information.

    However, using SSL for all types of data is a good idea because it helps to safeguard your privacy and security.

  • Increased Customer Trust

    SSL notifies website visitors that you are a respectable company that cares about their security.

    Visitors can ensure their data is secure when they see the lock icon in the URL bar and the HTTPS prefix.

    This can help to increase client trust and urge them to do business with you.

  • Improved SEO

    Google and other search engines prioritize SSL-enabled websites because SSL indicates a safe and trustworthy website.

    Therefore, by adopting SSL, you can increase your website’s ranking in search results & attract more visitors.

  • Compliance with Regulations

    SSL is required in many industries to protect client data. For example, the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requires all firms that accept credit card payments to use SSL. With SSL, you can ensure that your company complies with all applicable rules.

Primary Differences Between Free SSL and Paid SSL

Free SSL certificates are often DV certificates with limitations such as shorter validity periods and less functionality. Paid SSL certificates can be DV, OV, or EV; they have more features and support.

The following table summarizes the key distinctions between free and premium SSL –

Feature Free SSL Paid SSL
Certificate type Typically, DV DV, OV, or EV
Validity period Typically, 90 days Up to 3 years
Features Basic Wide range of features, such as support for multiple domains, wildcards, and custom branding
Support Limited Comprehensive

What is a Certificate Authority (CA)?

A certificate authority (CA) is a third-party organization that issues digital certificates.

Digital certificates are electronic credentials that associate a public key with a particular identity. So, a CA can confirm that a public key belongs to a specific person or organization.

CAs play a vital role in internet security by establishing trust between users and websites.

When a user visits an SSL-enabled website, the server provides the user with its digital certificate.

Then, the certificate is verified by the user’s browser with the CA to ensure that it is genuine and that the website is legitimate.

If the certificate is legitimate, the browser will establish a secure connection between the user’s machine and the website’s server.

This implies that any data sent between the user’s computer and the website will be encrypted, preventing eavesdropping and tampering.

CAs must also revoke digital certificates if they are compromised or if the organization that possesses the certificate goes out of business; this safeguards users against fraudulent websites.

Some of the most well-known CAs include

  • Let’s Encrypt
  • DigiCert
  • Comodo
  • GlobalSign

CAs are critical to the Internet’s security. CAs help to safeguard users from online risks by validating the authenticity of websites and encrypting data exchanged over the Internet.

Here are some instances of how CAs are utilized to improve online security

  • E-commerce Websites:

    CAs protect online transactions by encrypting credit card information and other sensitive data on e-commerce websites.

  • Email:

    CAs protect email communication by encrypting communications and authenticating senders.

  • Code Signing:

    CAs sign software code to validate its authenticity and prevent manipulation.

What are the Different Types of Encryptions?

SSL employs two basic methods of encryption:

  • Symmetric Encryption:

    It employs the same key to encrypt and decode data. The browser and the server both have access to this key.

  • Asymmetric Encryption:

    It encrypts and decrypts data using two separate keys. One key is made public, while the other is kept private. Data is encrypted using the public key and solved using the private key.

SSL employs asymmetric encryption to safeguard the browser and server connection.

The browser and server exchange public keys before generating a symmetric session key with those keys.

During the session, all data is encrypted and decrypted using the session key.

Types of Validation Methods for DV, OV, EV

  • Domain Validation (DV)

    The most basic sort of SSL certificate is the DV certificate.

    They confirm that the domain name on the certificate belongs to the company that acquired it by emailing the domain name’s administrative contact.

    The CA will issue the DV certificate if the administrative contact confirms that they own the domain name.

    DV certificates are the most affordable SSL certificates, but they also provide a low level of security because they do not validate the organization’s identification. As a result, unscrupulous websites can utilize DV certificates to impersonate reputable organizations.

  • Organization Validation (OV)

    OV certificates confirm the organization’s identity by verifying its contact information and business registration.

    The CA may also call or email the organization to verify its identity.

    OV certificates cost more than DV certificates, but they provide a higher level of security because OV certificates validate the organization’s identity, making it more difficult for fraudulent websites to mimic genuine firms.

  • Extended Validation (EV)

    The most secure type of SSL certificate is an EV certificate.

    They validate the organization’s identity and impose additional security standards, such as having its website examined by a third-party auditor.

    The EV validation procedure is more stringent than the DV and OV procedures because EV certificates encrypt sensitive data by high-profile organizations such as banks and government agencies.

    EV certificates are the most expensive SSL certificates but provide the most security.

    When website visitors see the EV lock image in the URL bar, they know the page is trustworthy and the data is secure.

What are SSL Ports for Web and Email?

SSL ports create secure connections between web servers, browsers, email servers, and clients.

  • 443 is the standard SSL port for web traffic:

    When you visit an SSL-enabled website, your browser will connect to the server on port 443. The server will then transmit its digital certificate to the browser, which will then verify the certificate with a certificate authority (CA) to ensure its validity and the website’s legitimacy.

  • 587 is the standard SSL port for email traffic:

    When you use an email client to send an email, it connects to the email server on port 587. The email is subsequently encrypted and sent to the recipient’s server. The recipient’s email server eventually decrypts it and delivers it to the recipient’s inbox.

Relevance of IMAP, POP3, and SMTP ports

SSL’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP ports are critical for secure email and data transmission between email clients and servers. These protocols are essential to email systems operations and their associated communications.

  • Internet Message Access Protocol:

    IMAP is used to access email on a distant mail server. It enables an email client to access and alter email messages stored on a server. IMAP uses SSL to ensure that data exchanged between the email client & the mail server stays private and cannot be easily intercepted by unauthorized parties.

  • Post Office Protocol version 3:

    POP3 receives emails from a remote server and delivers them to a local email client. POP3 with SSL ensures that emails are securely sent between the mail server and the client, preventing potential eavesdropping or data interception.

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol:

    SMTP is mainly used for email transmission. With SSL, SMTP ensures that email communication between the sender’s email client and the recipient’s email server is secure during transmission from potential security threats or data breaches.

What are the Mail Ports used for POP3, IMAP, and SMTP?

Protocol Security Setting Port Number(s)
SMTP (sending mail) Encrypted – TLS/STARTTLS 465
SMTP (sending mail) Encrypted – SSL 465
SMTP (sending mail) Unencrypted 25* (or 26)
POP3 (receiving mail) Encrypted – TLS 995
POP3 (receiving mail) Encrypted – SSL 995
POP3 (receiving mail) Unencrypted 110
IMAP (receiving mail) Encrypted – TLS 993
IMAP (receiving mail) Encrypted – SSL 993
IMAP (receiving mail) Unencrypted 143

The SSL configuration’s unique ports for each protocol ensure that data is safely delivered between the client and the server. These standard port configurations let email clients connect to email servers securely, protecting sensitive information such as email content, usernames, passwords, and other personal or confidential data from unauthorized access or interception.

Different Types of Hashing Techniques

Hashing is a mathematical function that turns data into a unique string of characters. SSL employs hashing to ensure data integrity.

There are numerous hashing techniques available, but the following are some of the most utilized in SSL:

  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512

All you need to know about SSL and TLS

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are cryptographic protocols that enable secure communication across a network, commonly the Internet. TLS is the successor to SSL and is in use today.

The Essential Features of SSL and TLS

Some SSL and TLS characteristics are as follows –

  • Encryption:

    SSL and TLS employ encryption to prevent unauthorized parties from intercepting and reading data.

  • Authentication:

    SSL and TLS authenticate both servers and clients; this aids in preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Data integrity:

    SSL and TLS use hashing to ensure data integrity; this assures that the data was not tampered with while in transit.

How do SSL and TLS vary from each other?

Although SSL and TLS are frequently used interchangeably, there are several distinctions between them –

  • Development:

    SSL was created in the 1990s by Netscape to provide secure data transfer between a client and a server. TLS is a more secure and updated SSL version, standardized in 1999 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

  • Versions:

    SSL has versions such as SSL 1.0, SSL 2.0, and SSL 3.0, whereas TLS has versions such as TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3. The most recent versions of TLS are thought to be more secure and robust than SSL.

  • Security:

    TLS is considered more secure than SSL because it addresses flaws found in older versions of SSL. As a result, SSL has essentially been phased out in favor of TLS.

  • Cipher Suite Support:

    TLS supports a broader choice of cryptographic algorithms and cipher suites than SSL, providing more data encryption and decryption security options.

  • Handshake Procedure:

    The TLS handshake procedure includes more procedures and security features than the SSL handshake procedure. TLS handshake contains more robust key exchange and authentication processes, resulting in a more secure connection between the client and the server.

  • Compatibility:

    Most modern online browsers and servers support TLS, while many have deprecated or deleted support for SSL due to security concerns. Organizations advise TLS to enable secure communication and data transfer over the Internet.

How to Get an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates are available from different companies. To obtain an SSL certificate, you must first register with the company of your choice and then purchase the type of certificate you require.

After purchasing an SSL certificate, you must install it on your web server; the installation procedure will differ based on your web server type.

Most web server providers, however, include instructions on installing an SSL certificate, or their technical team will install the SSL for you.


SSL is a crucial security protocol for encrypting data transmitted over the Internet.

It is essential in protecting sensitive data like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information. Therefore, if you operate a website, you should utilize SSL to safeguard your and your clients’ data.

SSL can also help to improve your website’s performance & reduce the risk of malware attacks.

SSL certificates are inexpensive and easy to obtain, so there is no reason not to utilize them on your website.

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