How To Set Tags, Categories, and Attributes of Product in WooCommerce?

This guide helps you make your WooCommerce product listings better. But first, let’s talk about why it’s so important to organize your products into categories and use the right tags.

When your product list is optimized, it becomes a breeze for your customers to find exactly what they’re searching for. And guess what? That means more traffic coming to your website! So, let’s get started on making your products shine online.

Why Categories, Tags, and Attributes are important?

If the customer visits your site and searches for a black shirt, a properly added Category, tag, or attribute can help him find the exact product much faster.  

If the customer visits your site and searches for a black shirt, a properly added Category, tag, or attribute can help him find the exact product much faster.

But, if you have not optimized the product listing by adding a Category, tag, or attribute, your site’s visitors will find it hard to search for the exact product, and they may exit your site without ordering anything. A higher bounce rate will decrease the orders and revenue;

Adding the correct categories, tags, and attributes to your products can help products appear in more searches. As a result, it can increase sales, rank in search engines, and better user exercises for your customers.

Difference between Categories, Tags, and Attributes.

Beginners may get confused between category, tag, or attribute.

Categories are used for a broad groping of products; below are some examples. 

  • Men’s clothes.
  • Women’s clothes.
  • Womens’ T-Shirts. 
  • Mens’ T-Shirts. 

Tags are likewise the keywords of the products; for example, men’s clothing may have tags like, for Winters, for Summers, Casual, athletic wear, etc. 

Attributes can be a characteristic of the products, for example, size, color, material, etc. 

How to add Categories, Tags, and Attributes in WooCommerce?

Add Categories:

WooCommerce provides the built-in functionality to add the category of the products. 

To add categories, login to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Products -> Categories.  

Here, you can enter the name and slug of the category, you can also add the category’s description, but it is not mandatory. 

If you want to create a subcategory, you must select the parent category from the drop-down. 

Next, you can select the display type of the category from the list—this option controls how your category will display on a web page. Generally, you can select the below display type for your category. 

Default display type depends on the theme you are using. 

For example, the product displays all the subcategories and the products of the category. 

Subcategories display only subcategories.

Next, optionally you can add the thumbnail of the category. Once you complete all the configurations, click on the “Add new category.”

Add or update Product Tags:

As discussed above, product tags play an important role in making your product easily searchable. Proper tags can help your visitors find the exact product they are looking for and get more searches from the search engine. 

 To add tags, login to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Products -> Tags. 

Here, enter the name slug and description of the tags and click on the “Add new tag” button. 

You can also add the tags directly to the products or edit the tags of the products. To perform the same login to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Products -> open the product for which you want to add the tag. 

Once you open the product, search out the column “Product tags,” from here, you can add or edit the tags of the individual products. You can also select the most used tags from the option “Choose from the most used tags.”

Add or Update Product Attributes: 

Attributes help visitors in filtering the products of the same category. To add the product attributes, login to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Products -> attributes. 

Here, enter the name slug. You can also enable the archive from here; this facilitates displaying all the products that share the same attribute on the same page.  

Next, you need to select “Default sort order.” This option helps to display the product on the shop page of that attribute. Here, we have provided the example of “Custom Ordering.” Next, click on the “Add attribute” button to add the attribute to the table.  

Now, we need to add the attribute terms. Locate and click on “configure terms” on the same page to add the terms.  

For example, if you have created the attribute “Size,” you can add sizes as terms. Next, enter the name, slug, and description, then click on the “add new size” button. 

Once you have done this, you can add this attribute to individual products. Now, open the product and click on the “Attributes.” Next, select attributes from the list and click on the “Add” button to add an attribute. 

Next, click on the “publish” or “Update” button to save the required.


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