Rahul Vaghasia, Author at VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers AccuWeb Hosting Tue, 31 Dec 2024 10:57:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 63788135 The Most Valuable 30 Live Chat with Screen Sharing Software https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/live-chat-with-screen-sharing-software/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/live-chat-with-screen-sharing-software/#respond Tue, 11 Dec 2018 13:14:50 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=10950 Live chat with screen sharing software gives you an advanced feature which allows you to see and access the entire screen (not limited to the browser) of the other party. You can easily control, make changes and use the other screen as their wisdom.The faster and satisfactory resolution of your customer requests is first priority of any online business. Live support is the most preferred channel of most of the customers.With the help of screen sharing utility your customer don’t need to explain his entire issue. They can simply share their desktop and spot the issue they are facing.“This feature

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https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/live-chat-with-screen-sharing-software/feed/ 0 10950
10 Best Live Chat Software Solutions Compared https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-best-live-chat-software/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-best-live-chat-software/#comments Wed, 12 Jul 2017 02:17:36 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=8956     You know how, in normal business transactions, you speak to your customers? Either face-to-face or over the phone? Well, now you can use live chat software that enables you to converse with your customers in a written/digital format. In real-time, and with a customizable interface, you provide a chat environment that lets your consumer see your business’s best reputation. But if you’re not yet convinced, just take a look at the following statistics: 79% of consumers will not file a negative review for a company if they are offering a live chat support. 38% of consumers are more

The post 10 Best Live Chat Software Solutions Compared appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-best-live-chat-software/feed/ 51 8956
Top 5 High Availability Dedicated Server Solutions https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-5-high-availability-dedicated-server-solutions/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-5-high-availability-dedicated-server-solutions/#comments Thu, 22 Jun 2017 04:10:25 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=8686 What Is a High Availability Dedicated Server?A typical dedicated server is a powerful computer that is connected to a high-speed Internet connection and housed in a state-of-the-art remote data center or optimized data facility.A High Availability dedicated server is an advanced system equipped with redundant power supplies, a fully redundant network, RAID disk towers, and backups, ensuring the highest uptime and full reliability with no single point of failure.Configuration For High Availability Dedicated ServersAs its name implies, high availability dedicated solutions are scalable and customized hosting solutions designed to meet the unique needs of any business.These configurations are carefully designed

The post Top 5 High Availability Dedicated Server Solutions appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-5-high-availability-dedicated-server-solutions/feed/ 2 8686
AccuWebHosting Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-now-accepts-bitcoin-payments/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-now-accepts-bitcoin-payments/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2017 09:28:15 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=8669  We are no longer accepting Bitcoin payments.We always strive to make the customer experience more convenient, secure and flexible. On this note, we’re pleased to announce that we are now accepting Bitcoin payment methods on AccuWebHosting. It was hugely demanded long ago, and it’s ready now. We’re really proud of this innovative approach and accomplishment.What is Bitcoin?Bitcoin is a decentralized currency that enables instant payments to anyone anywhere in the world. Bitcoin has no central authority means it is not backed by any nation’s government or central bank.The transaction management and issuing money are carried out collectively by the peer

The post AccuWebHosting Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-now-accepts-bitcoin-payments/feed/ 0 8669
Email Marketing Services – Top 10 Money-Saving Platforms https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-email-marketing-services-business/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-email-marketing-services-business/#comments Wed, 12 Apr 2017 06:25:28 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=8063 When you want to target a more significant number of new customers and promote your organization globally, you need an a valid email marketing strategy. Email Marketing leads to an increase in your sales introduction and helps you with email marketing metrics.There are various ways you can increase your sales through email. For example, you may use paperless pose, trade show follow up, or animated email,There are plenty of tools available, but it will depend on which email marketing tool best suits you and your organization. What tools will most likely generate the most subscribers and convert visitors into paying

The post Email Marketing Services – Top 10 Money-Saving Platforms appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/top-10-email-marketing-services-business/feed/ 26 8063
Why You Should Upgrade Your VPS To Window Server 2016 OS? https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/why-you-should-upgrade-your-server-to-window-server-2016-os/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/why-you-should-upgrade-your-server-to-window-server-2016-os/#comments Thu, 23 Mar 2017 07:13:57 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=7830 The latest server OS from Microsoft, Windows Server 2016, was released on September 26th, 2016. It has introduced lots of new and prominent features over its predecessor, Windows Server 2012.Our server research team has been hearing about this latest server OS and its new features for months. So they went ahead and tried out functional upgrades that were included. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the features of Windows Server 2016. We are sure you will be convinced to upgrade your existing server OS to Windows Server 2016.Internet Information Services 10.0IIS 10.0 is the latest version of

The post Why You Should Upgrade Your VPS To Window Server 2016 OS? appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/why-you-should-upgrade-your-server-to-window-server-2016-os/feed/ 15 7830
AccuWebHosting Announces VPS Hosting with Windows 2016 Server https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-announces-vps-hosting-windows-2016-server/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-announces-vps-hosting-windows-2016-server/#comments Wed, 08 Mar 2017 10:17:35 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=7670  AccuWebHosting always believes in offering the latest and most updated technologies to their clients. In an effort, to provide the latest technology, AccuWebHosting has now started to offer new Windows Server 2016 in VPS hosting to its clients with SSD Windows VPS, Classic Windows VPS, SSD Forex VPS and Windows VPS Reseller hosting plans.Windows Server 2016 BenefitsIn Windows Server 2016, Microsoft added many new features that enhance performance and improves security of the OS. It serves as a modern, open application platform for all software applications and hybrid public/private cloud solutions. It allows the users to access from almost anywhere and

The post AccuWebHosting Announces VPS Hosting with Windows 2016 Server appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-announces-vps-hosting-windows-2016-server/feed/ 1 7670
Comparison of Top 5 Tools to Optimize and Speed up WHM Server https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/comparison-top-5-tools-optimize-speed-whm-server/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/comparison-top-5-tools-optimize-speed-whm-server/#comments Mon, 27 Feb 2017 02:02:27 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=7547 While setting up a WHM server, most of the web hosting companies go with the default settings. But, there are lots of settings you can tweak to make your WHM server blazing fast.Earlier, we introduced an Ideal Linux Hosting Environment, replacing conventional LAMP environment, which was a huge success. We achieved an excellent improvement in page load speed by replacing Apache with LiteSpeed, CentOS with CloudLinux and conventional HDD with lightning fast SSD storage.Following the same path, our server research and analysis team experimented on popular cPanel/WHM server optimization plugins and derived some interesting results based on the close comparison

The post Comparison of Top 5 Tools to Optimize and Speed up WHM Server appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/comparison-top-5-tools-optimize-speed-whm-server/feed/ 16 7547
10 Effective and Easy Ways to Speed up WordPress Site https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/10-easy-ways-to-speed-up-wordpress-site/ https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/10-easy-ways-to-speed-up-wordpress-site/#comments Fri, 23 Dec 2016 05:20:49 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=7124    Is your WordPress site dragging its feet, making visitors wait? A slow website can frustrate users and hurt your search rankings. But don’t worry—speeding up your site is easier than you think! In this blog post, we’ll share 10 simple and effective ways to boost your site’s speed. From optimizing images to using the right plugins, these tips will help your site load faster and keep your visitors happy.Ready to turn your sluggish site into a speedy success? Let’s dive in and make your WordPress site faster than ever!Why Should You Speed Up Your WordPress Site?A study shows that

The post 10 Effective and Easy Ways to Speed up WordPress Site appeared first on VPS Hosting Blog | Windows VPS & Cloud Hosting | Dedicated Servers.

https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/10-easy-ways-to-speed-up-wordpress-site/feed/ 15 7124
AccuWebHosting Now Offers a Forex Trading VPS https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/accuwebhosting-now-offers-forex-trading-vps/ Tue, 13 Dec 2016 08:14:10 +0000 https://www.accuwebhosting.com/blog/?p=7108 In today’s fast-changing markets, forex traders need a stable and low latency connection to brokers for swift trade executions. The lowest latency and uninterrupted connectivity play a key role to decide whether your trade is going to book a loss or profit.Find Optimal Forex VPS location for your BrokerFor ultra-low latency trading and excellent trade execution, AccuWebHosting now offers customized VPS solutions for Forex Traders. Forex VPS allows traders to run Expert Advisors during trading hours, avoiding the hassle of managing them on your local PC.ORDER FOREX VPS »AccuWebHosting’s Forex Trading VPS are hosted on high-end, powerful servers that are built to

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