Problem Summary
Web clients receives this error message when they try to submit a feedback form that is on your Web page:
Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this page:
This problem occurs if you create a page in MS Office FrontPage 2003 or MS FrontPage 2002 by using the Feedback Form template and then you save the page to a subfolder instead of saving it to the root folder of the Web site. When a client submits the form, the FrontPage Save Results component tries to save the results to the wrong location. For example, if you saved the feedback page to a subfolder named Test, the Save Results component tries to save the results to the Test/_private folder, which does not exist.
Possible Solutions
I) Repropagate all the require permissions from IIS for this FrontPage User.
II) To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
1. Open your Web in FrontPage.
2. In the folder list, expand the _private folder that is in the root of your Web site.
3. Locate the Feedback.txt file. If you cannot locate this file, follow these steps:A. On the File menu, click New, and then click Page or Web.The task panel opens.
B. Under New from template, click Page Templates.
C. On the General tab, click Normal Page, and then click OK.
D. Switch to HTML view, and then delete all the HTML code.
E. On the File menu, click Save.
F. Locate and then double-click the _private folder that is in the root of your Web.
G. In the Save as type box, click All Files (*.*).
H. In the File name box, type Feedback.txt.
I. Click Save.4. Open the page that contains the feedback form.
5. Right-click the form, and then click Form Properties.Note that the File name field shows that the results will be saved to the relative path of _private/Feedback.txt, which does not exist. (For example, if you saved the feedback page to a subfolder named Test in the root of your Web site, this path is /Test/_private/Feedback.txt.)
6. Click Browse.
7. Locate and then double-click the _private folder that is in the root of your Web.
8. Click the Feedback.txt file, and then click OK.
9. Save the form page.
III) If these two options does not work then try to re-publish the page via FrontPage which should resolve the problem.