How to Secure Dedicated Server: Best Security Tips You Must Know

Imagine waking up to find that hackers have taken your business’s website offline. They have brought down your website, stolen customer data, and exposed your secrets. Sadly, this isn’t just a story; it’s a real problem many businesses face. Having a secure, dedicated server is not just a choice but a necessity.

In Q1 2024, global cyber attacks rise, with the average number of attacks per organization per week reaching 1,308, a 28% increase from Q4 2023 and a 5% increase year-over-year.

Your business is expanding and relies more on digital tools every day. But with this growth comes a greater risk of cyberattacks. Hackers constantly find new and tricky ways to access your servers, steal information, and disrupt your work.

The fallout from these attacks can be huge—financial losses, legal troubles, and a damaged reputation. This blog is for you if you want to secure a dedicated server.

Why should you consider a secure dedicated server?

Here are some compelling reasons why you should safeguard your dedicated server:

Protecting against malware attacks

Hackers may implant malware into your dedicated server to steal sensitive data. This malware often hides itself within legitimate applications or scripts, enabling hackers to collect crucial information without being detected.

Selecting a hosting provider that offers malware scanning and real-time server monitoring is essential to mitigate these risks.

Safeguarding against software vulnerabilities 

Hackers can use software vulnerabilities on your dedicated server to gain unauthorized access. Outdated software is particularly susceptible to such attacks. Therefore, to minimize the risk, only install software that receives regular updates and applies the latest security patches.

Mitigating DDoS attacks 

DDoS attacks can overload your server with false traffic, causing it to crash & become unavailable to genuine users during peak hours. Implement DDoS mitigation techniques, such as firewalls and load balancers, to protect against such attempts.

Accuweb Hosting offers DDoS protection, Hardware Firewalls, & Load Balancers to Maximize Dedicated Server Protection.

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Ways to Secure Your Dedicated Server

Here are our top recommendations for a more secure dedicated server.

Install Security Patches & Updates

Outdated software is a common vulnerability used by hackers. Developers regularly release security upgrades to address vulnerabilities. Failure to download these patches can lead to exploitation. Avoid relying on outdated services and programs, as even a brief delay in applying security upgrades can have negative effects.

Therefore, you should periodically check for software updates. If regularly installing security updates and upgrades is too time-consuming, consider a managed dedicated server.

Conduct Regular Malware Scans

Various viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware can compromise your system and steal sensitive data. To protect your server, schedule regular malware scans, use antivirus software to detect and isolate malicious software, and use malware scanners.

Maintain and Secure Databases

Databases are a top priority for security due to the potential for hackers to use sensitive financial customer information.

Following best practices to ensure SQL injection resistance, minimize user privileges, delete unnecessary data, and restrict customer-database interaction is essential. Various online admin tools can help with this.

Secure Server Connectivity

The additional security measures to implement include

  • Change the SSH port
  • Disable direct root login to prevent hacking
  • Restrict access to specific harmful IP addresses
  • Use SSH keys instead of passwords to secure SSH access to your dedicated server.

Click here to learn how to change the SSH port.

Implement DDoS Protection

As mentioned earlier, a DDoS attack can overload your server with false traffic, causing potential financial losses by bringing it down. Therefore, it is essential to implement strategies to combat these malicious attempts.

Consider using a DDoS-protected dedicated server. This server features a robust DDoS shield that monitors and redirects suspicious traffic, safeguarding your server from attacks.

Monitor Server Activity & Logs

It is essential to continuously monitor the server and conduct regular malware scans to detect suspicious activity at an early stage & take appropriate action. By consistently checking the logs and running these scans, potential security incidents on the server can be effectively prevented.

User’s Account Permissions

Root account access should only be available to the system administrator. Other users on the server should have separate user accounts with limited access.

For example, it is essential to restrict who can install software, as some software could be malicious. Only the server administrator should have these privileges.

Backing up Your System & your Data

The concept of security is more than just protecting a system against attacks.

Data backup is vital for security, as data loss can happen due to hardware failure, malware attacks, or natural disasters. AccuWeb Hosting offers you 500GB of free backup storage with your server.

For more information on our backup solutions, please click here.

Remove Non Used Software/Applications

Unused software poses a security risk. It’s often overlooked and may only receive security updates if used. This is particularly true for programs and services that are tested once and then forgotten. Hackers can use unused software to breach your dedicated server and access confidential information. The solution is simple: remove unused software.

Benefits of Secure Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated servers offer improved data security, performance, and customizable server environments for your business. Here’s a closer look at the advantages of a dedicated server:

Avoid Costly Outages

ITIC’s 2022 Global Server Hardware Security survey found that 91% of SMEs and large enterprises face hourly downtime costs exceeding $300,000. Additionally, 44% of mid-sized and large enterprise respondents reported potential costs of over $1 million for a single hour of downtime.

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According to ITIC’s 2022 Global Server Hardware Security survey, 76% of corporations identify security and data breaches as the primary cause of downtime. A dedicated server offers a high level of security & maximum uptime for your website. AccuWeb Hosting guarantees uptime, ensuring continuous power and network access for your dedicated server.

No More “Sharing”

Dedicated hosting offers the advantages of physical hardware and isolation. As the sole user of the server, you won’t have to worry about the “noisy neighbour”.”

A dedicated server means that the server’s resources are exclusively for your website, allowing you to optimize hardware usage without sharing with other users.

Dedicated IP Address

A dedicated IP address is like having your own digital identity. With dedicated server hosting, you receive a unique IP address. It is crucial for specific applications, SSL certificates, and maintaining a reputable online presence.

AccuWeb Hosting offers 5 Static IP Addresses with all Denver-based Dedicated Servers in the USA, while servers available at other locations are provided with at least 1 IP address.

Complete Server Control

With a dedicated server, you have complete control over access protocols, deciding what can access your machine through the network interface.

This level of control over your hosting environment is not just about control; it’s about security. It’s one of the most effective ways to protect your data, as you have full control over what is and isn’t allowed on your server.

Final Words

A dedicated server offers the most secure option for your website. In addition to acquiring a dedicated server hosting, choosing a hosting provider who understands your security needs and allows you to enhance security as necessary is essential.

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