Instability of Windows servers


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  • Vaughn
    • Aug 2004
    • 58

    Instability of Windows servers

    Early this afternoon while physically connecting an additional GigE connection to the Savvis backbone, our switch fabric unexpectedly experienced spanning tree issues which created instabilities in our network. Steps have been taken to stabilize the network while our network engineers continue to investigate the underlying issue and procedures to prevent similar issues.

    We apologize for the inconvienience and will take all possible steps to prevent similar issues from occuring in the future.

    We will be returning service to one switch later tonight, which could create some short periods of instability while this switch is brought back into service and placed back into our network mesh.

  • Manuel_
    • May 2005
    • 120

    We could see that accuwebhsosting servers are most stabilized now days. Servers have not faced any major glitch/downtime.


    • claydcousta
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 21

      Re: Instability of Windows servers

      Windows Manager, the file that is activated by windowserver, is the main core of the graphic interface. It shows stuff in the monitor. Most computers would need a lot less CPU resources without graphics but I'm sure you wouldn't be happy.


      • Sus55anfd
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2012
        • 1

        Re: Instability of Windows servers

        Servers have not

