1. Click Start menu, point to Settings
2. Click on Control Panel
3. Click Add or Remove Programs
4. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
5. In the Windows Component Wizard, Click Networking Services (click the name, not the check box) in the Components list,
6. Click Details.
7. In the Networking Services dialog box, Click to select the Domain Name System (DNS) check box if it is not already selected,
8. Click OK.
9. In the Windows Components Wizard, click Next to start Windows Server 2003 Setup. Insert the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM into the CD drive or DVD drive if you are prompted to do so. Setup copies the DNS service and tool files to your computer.
10. When Setup is complete, click Finish button.
2. Click on Control Panel
3. Click Add or Remove Programs
4. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
5. In the Windows Component Wizard, Click Networking Services (click the name, not the check box) in the Components list,
6. Click Details.
7. In the Networking Services dialog box, Click to select the Domain Name System (DNS) check box if it is not already selected,
8. Click OK.
9. In the Windows Components Wizard, click Next to start Windows Server 2003 Setup. Insert the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM into the CD drive or DVD drive if you are prompted to do so. Setup copies the DNS service and tool files to your computer.
10. When Setup is complete, click Finish button.