remove a directory in Linux


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  • Rex Maughan
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2022
    • 112

    remove a directory in Linux

    How can I Delete Files and Folders or remove a directory in Linux?
  • Christian J
    • Sep 2022
    • 91

    To delete (or remove) a file in Linux from the command line, use either the rmdir, rm, or unlink command.

    The unlink command enables you to remove only a single file. In contrast, the rm command enables you to remove multiple files simultaneously, and the rmdir command only allows you to remove empty directories.

    Basic Syntax:
    unlink filenameCopy
    rm filename
    rmdir [options] [directory name]

    If the file is write-protected, a confirmation prompt will be displayed. To proceed with the deletion, type 'y' and press Enter. Nevertheless, if the file is not write-protected, it will be deleted without further prompts.

    To simultaneously remove multiple files, use the following command:
    rm filename1 filename2 filename3

    To get confirmation before deleting each file, utilize the rm command with the -i flag:
    rm -i filename(s)

    To delete files without any confirmation, regardless of their write protection, use the -f (force) option with the rm command:
    rm -f filename(s)

    Use rmdir or rm -d followed by the directory name to remove an empty directory:
    rm -d dirname OR
    rmdir dirname

    Options for the rmdir command are:
    --ignore-fail-on-non-empty: This option allows you to delete non-empty directories.
    -p: --parents: When using this option, the directory, along with its specified children, will be deleted.
    -v: --verbose: Enabling this option will provide a diagnostic message for each directory.

    Use the following command to delete a non-empty directory in Linux:
    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty <directory_name>
    To remove a subdirectory and its parent directory, use the flag -p with the rmdir command:
    rmdir -p /Directory/SubDirectory

    Use the -v option to display a text-based confirmation message indicating the successful deletion of the specified directory.
    rmdir -v Simple-Directory
    The output will be similar to this:
    rmdir: removing directory, Simple-Directory

    Use the rm with flag -r (recursive) for removing non-empty directories and all the files within them:
    rm -r dirname

    Use rm with the -r (recursive) and -f options to remove non-empty directories and all the files without being prompted:
    rm -rf dirname

    Use the rm -r command followed by the directory names separated by space to remove multiple directories simultaneously.
    rm -r dirname1 dirname2 dirname3

    Additionally, you can utilize a wildcard (*) and regular expansions to match multiple files:
    rm *.txt

    When managing your VPS with these commands, establish a connection to the server via an SSH client first. Afterward, execute the commands directly from there.

    In Linux, it is essential to understand the proper use of the rm and rmdir commands to delete directories and files via the command line. The rm command is suitable for deleting files and non-empty directories, whereas rmdir is limited to removing only empty folders.

    It's important to note that Linux has no recycle bin or trash folder. Any files or directories deleted via these commands will be removed permanently. Hence, exercise caution when utilizing these commands, or consider creating a backup before deleting any files or folders on your VPS.

