How can I view access and error logs via SFTP?
Error logs
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It might be necessary to review your site's error logs and access logs to gather additional information on the cause of a particular issue while troubleshooting.
You can find the logs in the directory /logs/ under your username on the server.
To view the logs via SFTP:
Step-1: Ensure that your user is an SFTP or Shell user.
Step-2: Use your client to log into your server.
After logging in, you will see various files. In this example, we are in the exampleuser's directory, as indicated by the Remote site: field displaying /home/exampleuser.
Step-3: Access the /logs directory by clicking on it.
Subsequently, you will encounter a list of sites linked to this user.
Step-4: Choose the appropriate site from the list in the next directory by clicking on it.
Step-5: To view the logs, access the http or https directory, depending on the logs you wish to view.
You will find the error.log and access.log as of today.
Step-6: To examine the log file, right-click on it and open it using your text editing program.