Hello, I would like to make an automated backup of our cPanel server's files and databases. I read somewhere that a single tar.gz file can contain both file and database backups. Can anyone please guide me regarding the complete procedure?
Is it possible to back up to a different server using cPanel?
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To make a complete backup using cPanel:
1. Beginning on the first page, choose Backup.
2. On the following(second) page, choose Full Backup.
3. Decide where to store the backup files. You have three choices:
By choosing Home Directory using the drag-down menu, you may save the files on your web server in your home directory. FTP or SCP can also be used by cPanel to keep the files on another system. To do this, complete the necessary fields and choose the proper file transfer method from the drag-down menu. Otherwise, go to the following step if you need to download the file on your desktop or laptop.
4. Be sure to include an email address in this field. You won't need to return frequently to check on the state of the backup process because doing this will cause the backup process to email you when it is finished.
5. Tap to Create Backup.
An email will be delivered to the e-mail address which is given by you are the beginning of the process if FTP or SCP were used.
6. Click on the name of your file in Backups Ready for Download to get an additional copy of the backup file that was saved to your computer.
The filename (which starts with backup-MM-DD-YYYY) contains the date on which the backup was created. The file will be kept in the /home/cpanel_username directory as a "tar ball," or compressed information file, with the filename extension .tar.gz. If you've got ssh accessibility to the server, you are able to access this directory using ssh or a file manager.
The cPanel interface does not allow you to recover your site from a full backup. Prior to restoration, the file needs to be downloaded and uncompressed. You will also be allowed to upload and recover particular parts of your website included inside the full backup after the document has been decompressed.