Magento is a widely used E-commerce store management system. However, you must follow the steps below to change the base URL for Magento from phpMyAdmin,
Firstly, log in to your cPanel account.
Now, click on phpMyAdmin under the DATABASES section.
Then, select your Magento database.
Next, locate the table named mg_core_config_data and click on it.
Now, In the Path column, locate and update the URL in the lines below,
Note: Click the edit button and do this.
Now, add the new URL with http in web/unsecure/base_url and click on the Go button.
Then, add the new URL with https in web/secure/base_url and click on the Go button.
Lastly, clear your cache from the Magento admin or through the following command,
php bin/magento cache:clean
magerun clear:cache
Thus, I hope the above method helps you to change Magento's Site URL from phpMyAdmin. However, If you encounter any issues, you can update them here.
------------------------------ Regards,
Rex Maughan