How to Stop and Disable ClamAV Service from CentOS?


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  • Ryaan J.
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2022
    • 103

    How to Stop and Disable ClamAV Service from CentOS?


    Can anyone assist me with how to Stop and Disable ClamAV Service from CentOS?
  • Rex Maughan
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2022
    • 112

    Originally posted by Ryaan J. View Post

    Can anyone assist me with how to Stop and Disable ClamAV Service from CentOS?

    Hello Ryaan J.,

    Everyone knows that the ClamAV scanner is heavy on CPU-memory resources and cannot be used in low-memory Linux systems. If you want to disable the ClamAV scanner from your CentOS system, follow the steps below,

    Disable ClamAV Service:
    • Firstly, stop the ClamAV scanner by executing the following command,
    # service clamd stop
    The chkconfig script in Red Hat-based Linux distributions enables and disables the services.
    • Now, run the below commands to disable the ClamAV scanner at the system startup,
    # chkconfig clamd off
    # chkconfig clamd --del
    • Next, once disabling ClamAV, you may have to verify its status.
    • Thus, execute the below command to check whether ClamAV is disabled at the boot level.
    #chkconfig --list | grep clam
    Note: If ClamAV is disabled successfully, the following command won't show any results.
    • Lastly, the system will boot next time without ClamAV service, saving the system resource and making the server faster after applying the above changes.
    Disable Other Unwanted Services:
    • Firstly, you can execute the below command to disable other applications and unwanted packages from your CentOS system,
    # chkconfig --list
    • It will list all services and determine the service name you want to disable. The above command will display all services and their status at boot on each run level.
    • After determining the service name, you can simply execute the command below by replacing the service name with XYZ.
    # chkconfig XYZ off
    # chkconfig XYZ --del

    Thus, I hope the above solution helps you to stop and disable the ClamAV service from the CentOS system.

    Rex Maughan

