To install rvskin from WHM/cPanel - Linux server one need to follow the below mentioned steps :
1) One need to login via SSH on the server and follow the below steps via SSH:
mkdir /root/rvadmin;
cd /root/rvadmin;
wget http ://;
tar -xvzf auto_rvskin.tgz; perl
NOTE: Take a note that the server has a license for RVskin.
The authenticity of host can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is 28:3e:e7:5f:bf:0a:51:f7:39:91:70:9a:2a:6d:e7:e6. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Check the fingerprint if it is correct. and type yes.Then you need to answer a few questions on your shell and wait until the process completes.It will take nearly 2-5 minutes for completion. A new account rvadmin will automatically created on the server.
2) Then you need to login to your RVskin manager from WHM >> Add-ons and make the below mentioned settings:
- Set global configuration
- Set default language
- Create non-package feature list
- Set tweak setting, reseller feature control, body links, top links, help, tutorial links, and etc.
- Test configuration setting in 2 hosting accounts.
- rvadmin: this account can consider to be account belong to root
- reseller client: this account will reflect setting from reseller skin manager. If it is not configued, it will remain anonymous.
3) Changing user cpanel to RVskin themes:
a) One can change the default theme to an RVskin theme through your WHM/Server Setup/Edit Setup. You need to search for default cpanel skin, and change the text field to your desired theme.
b) Change RVskin theme to be the default for each hosting package, and change current hosting account theme to RVskin theme. There are 2 ways to do this:
1> Changing in WHM :
In WHM / Packages / Edit Packages and modify hosting account theme for hosting package one by one. After change,cPanel will try to update current hosting accounts using this package to the new theme.
2> Changing in SSH :
Change default theme for hosting packages - This way you will not get email notification. It works only for changing theme, if you want to change others such as disk quota, don't do this.Run these commands:
cd /var/cpanel/packages
replace CPMOD=x CPMOD=rvblue *
replace CPMOD=x2 CPMOD=rvblue *
replace CPMOD=???? CPMOD=rvblue *
1) One need to login via SSH on the server and follow the below steps via SSH:
mkdir /root/rvadmin;
cd /root/rvadmin;
wget http ://;
tar -xvzf auto_rvskin.tgz; perl
NOTE: Take a note that the server has a license for RVskin.
The authenticity of host can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is 28:3e:e7:5f:bf:0a:51:f7:39:91:70:9a:2a:6d:e7:e6. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Check the fingerprint if it is correct. and type yes.Then you need to answer a few questions on your shell and wait until the process completes.It will take nearly 2-5 minutes for completion. A new account rvadmin will automatically created on the server.
2) Then you need to login to your RVskin manager from WHM >> Add-ons and make the below mentioned settings:
- Set global configuration
- Set default language
- Create non-package feature list
- Set tweak setting, reseller feature control, body links, top links, help, tutorial links, and etc.
- Test configuration setting in 2 hosting accounts.
- rvadmin: this account can consider to be account belong to root
- reseller client: this account will reflect setting from reseller skin manager. If it is not configued, it will remain anonymous.
3) Changing user cpanel to RVskin themes:
a) One can change the default theme to an RVskin theme through your WHM/Server Setup/Edit Setup. You need to search for default cpanel skin, and change the text field to your desired theme.
b) Change RVskin theme to be the default for each hosting package, and change current hosting account theme to RVskin theme. There are 2 ways to do this:
1> Changing in WHM :
In WHM / Packages / Edit Packages and modify hosting account theme for hosting package one by one. After change,cPanel will try to update current hosting accounts using this package to the new theme.
2> Changing in SSH :
Change default theme for hosting packages - This way you will not get email notification. It works only for changing theme, if you want to change others such as disk quota, don't do this.Run these commands:
cd /var/cpanel/packages
replace CPMOD=x CPMOD=rvblue *
replace CPMOD=x2 CPMOD=rvblue *
replace CPMOD=???? CPMOD=rvblue *