How to change the PHP variable from the cPanel? Can anyone help me to figure out it?
How to change the PHP variable from the cPanel?
Unconfigured Ad Widget
- Manually via php.ini file
You can apply custom PHP settings on a per-folder basis using a php.ini file.
For example, if you need register_globals set to Off in a particular directory, you should create a php.ini file in that directory using file manager in cPanel. The php.ini file should contain:
register_globals = off
Naturally, if you'd like register_globals turned On you should specify:
register_globals = on
Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 08-07-2019, 10:02 AM.
You can change the PHP variable from the PHP.ini file in the file manager from the cPanel. Also, you can change the PHP variable from the .htaccess file.
Please refer to the following steps in order to change the PHP variable from the cPanel.
1. Login to cPanel
2. Click on the "select PHP version" option under the 'Software' section.
3. Click on the right corner option "switch to PHP option"
4. change the PHP variable as per your requirement.
5. After changing the PHP variable, you will need to save this changing.
In order to do that you will need to access your cPanel and navigate to PHP Variables Manager. Select the directory you wish to change the PHP value for and under Variable place the appropriate PHP setting. After you click on the Add button the variable will appear below, so you can modify its value.
We can change PHP variables in cpanel by 3 steps and these all are easy:
1. Using PHP.ini file: In this you can change the limit of PHP directives from php.ini file. in this you can create file or if php.ini file already exist then you can add code.
Example you can add below line to increase execution time.
Code:max_execution_time = 30
You can add below line to increase directive with .htaccess file.
Code:php_value max_execution_time 300
- login to cpanel
- click on MultiPHP INI Editor
- Here you can change your directives.