How to prevent Trojan horse infection?


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  • John_Accuwebhosting
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 120

    How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

    Trojan horses are hidden programs and threat to your computer once they get executed. They give control of your computer to a computer hacker. I would advise to follow 7 steps in order to prevent infection of Trojan horse on your computer or virtual server:
    • Do not execute any program in your computer unless you believe it is from a trusted source.
    • Never open emails from unknown senders especially having attachments with the extensions .exe, .vbs.
    • Regularly update the anti-virus, anti-spyware on your computer on regular basis.
    • Regularly install the latest patches available of your Operating System.
    • Scan CDs, DVDs, pen drives or any external storage device for virus using anti virus software before using it.
    • Do not accept programs sent out from Instant Messaging applications.
    • When you download any program from Internet websites always scan them first before you use.

    Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 12-28-2017, 11:11 AM.
    John D.
    Support Technician,
    Windows based hosting
    Linux based hosting
  • kilter
    • Oct 2009
    • 79

    Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

    AVG identified the subject files as Trojans, and blocked them. The Trojans eventually got into AVG somehow and disabled the Resident Shield. I re-installed AVG a couple of times but the same thing would happen again. Every time I tried to delete any of the 10-folders that accumulated on my desktop, access would be denied. After a few days of fooling around with this stuff, I decided to attack it by renaming each of the 10 folders from Virus Removal Tool to some random set of keystrokes. I thought doing this would prevent the hackers programs from finding their own files and would allow me to delete them without incident. It worked and I was able to rid my desktop of all 10 folders; however, I soon found out that I was no
    Last edited by admin; 07-21-2015, 09:37 AM.


    • micofy
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2010
      • 1

      Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

      You sure can prevent the infection with Trojan, virus, hijack, spyware and others. All you have to do is to have installed on your Pc a true quality anti-virus software such as . then you need to periodically scan your PC and Kaspersky will delete your intruders.


      • dionpotts92
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 1

        Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

        In such a case, use PC Tools software.
        Last edited by dionpotts92; 08-17-2010, 12:02 PM.


        • digitalstyle_surat
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2011
          • 1

          Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

          install antivirus and trojan will be removed


          • Edi8th99
            Junior Member
            • Oct 2011
            • 3

            Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

            All you have to do is to have installed on your Pc a true quality anti-virus software such as . then you need to periodically scan your PC and Kaspersky will delete your intruders.
            Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 05-14-2016, 04:42 AM.


            • Karalan
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 2

              "Re: How to prevent Trojan horse infection?

              install antivirus and Trojan will be removed'
              In my opinion, the question is about how to prevent the invasion, not how to kill it. By the way, if you get crypto malware such vvv Tesla Crypt, the removal does not resolve the issue as you get all your data locked down by the parasite. It is rather important to keep your software up to date as the virus often exploits vulnerabilities in long-since--not-updated apps...
              AccuWeb provides feature-packed Windows VPS and Cloud web hosting services with remote desktop access, shared hosting, and hosting on both SSD and Classic server.
              Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 11-15-2019, 12:49 AM.


              • kylebrown9494
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2017
                • 1

                To avoid Trojans, please follow the rules below:

                1. Never open unsolicited emails from unknown senders. Emails from people you don't know may contain links, attachments or other traps that can get you to inadvertently install Trojans.

                2. Avoid downloading and installing programs unless you fully trust the publisher. Some websites attempt to trick users into downloading programs that they claim will perform useful tasks, when in reality installation will only infect your computer.

                3. Use firewall software. Firewalls are programs that can block unsolicited connections, which may help prevent Trojans. If you use Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, Vista or Windows 7, you will have access to Windows Firewall. Make sure it is running properly by clicking "Start," "Control Panel," "Security," "Windows Firewall" and "Change Settings." Click "On" and "Apply" if it is not already on.

                4. Use a fully updated antivirus program whenever you are using the Internet. Antivirus software can help scan links for malicious data and prevent and remove malware, like Trojans. Popular antivirus programs include Plumbytes, Avast, Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, and AVG Free.
                Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 12-28-2017, 11:14 AM.


                • haehnchen03
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2017
                  • 1

                  • Toggle your email provider?s anti-spam settings to filter out all the potentially harmful incoming messages. Raising the bar beyond the default protection is an important countermeasure for ransom Trojans.
                  • Define specific file extension restrictions in your email system. Make sure that attachments with the following extensions are blacklisted: .js, .vbs, .docm, .hta, .exe, .cmd, .scr, and .bat. Also, treat ZIP archives in received messages with extreme caution.
                  • Rename the vssadmin.exe process so that ransomware is unable to obliterate all Shadow Volume Copies of your files in one shot.
                  • Keep your Firewall active at all times. It can prevent crypto ransomware from communicating with its C&C server. This way, the threat won?t be able to obtain cryptographic keys and lock your files.
                  • Back up your files regularly, at least the most important ones. This recommendation is self-explanatory. A ransomware attack isn?t an issue as long as you keep unaffected copies of your data in a safe place.
                  Last edited by haehnchen03; 11-10-2017, 09:02 AM. Reason: error

