How to change MySQL root password?


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  • ryan
    • Jun 2008
    • 96

    How to change MySQL root password?

    How to change MySQL root password?

    How to change MySQL root password under Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and UNIX like operating system over ssh / telnet session?

    mysqladmin command to change root password

    If you have never set a root password for MySQL, the server does not require a password at all for connecting as root. To setup root password for first time, use mysqladmin command at shell prompt as follows:

    $ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

    However, if you want to change (or update) a root password, then you need to use following command

    $ mysqladmin -u root -p oldpassword newpass

    Enter password:

    Change MySQL password for other user

    To change a normal user password you need to type (let us assume you would like to change password for ryan):

    $ mysqladmin -u ryan -p oldpassword newpass
  • kilter
    • Oct 2009
    • 79

    Re: How to change MySQL root password?

    I ran into this the other day and I had to do a little quick fix .... I found this on the net somewhere

    shell> kill `cat /mysql-data-directory/`
    shell> mysqladmin -u root password 'mynewpassword'
    shell> mysqladmin -h hostname flush-privileges

    Alternatively, you can set the new password using the mysql client:

    1. Take down and restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables option as described above.
    2. Connect to the mysqld server with: shell> mysql -u root mysql
    3. Issue the following commands in the mysql client:
    mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('mynewpassword') -> WHERE User='root';
    4. mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

    After this, you should be able to connect using the new password. You can now stop mysqld and restart it normally.

